Saturday, November 3, 2012

And the Waters Turned to Blood Ch 7-8 Discussion Master

Why did Dr. Noga so competitive about the dino research with Dr. Burkholder? Why does he care about the fame? (p.82)

-Since Dr Noga helped JoAnn get into the dinoflagellate controversy, he believes that he should be in charge of the research. JoAnn has progressed more than Dr. Noga so he fears that she will dominate over him.

What happened when Dr. Burkholder published the article to Nature about the dinoflagellate? (p.83-86)
-Nature sent recommendations to JoAnn and congratulated her in the research.

What did Glasgow tell to Dr. Burkholder that made her more angry about Dr. Noga? (p.88)
-Glasgow was cleaning Dr. Noga's chamber of experiments; toxic slime covered the chamber walls and toxic material was evaporated inside the room. Within thirty minutes, he felt short of breath, then began to lose memory. Glasgow managed to escape, regain consciousness but went back into the room to clean up.

Who was the next victim of the Glasgow's outbreak? (p. 91)
-When pouring a container of toxic culture into another test tube, Dr. Burkholder's eyes began to burn. She raised her toxic gloves to rub them and continued to work. As she continued to work, time began to go slow for her, then started to cramp. Thinking it was only flu symptoms, she was not prepared for the next few days with slurred speech, memory loss, and fatigue.

What did the university recommend to Dr. Burkholder when she was questioned? (p. 96-98)
-First, they were skeptical about JoAnn's treatment, but then recommended that they build two separate facilities; one for growing and studying the dino culture, and the other to to other activities. To insure further protection, they recommended a mask.

How did "Pfiesteria" come to name? (p. 103)
-Looking for Latin names meaing "phantom" or "poltergeist", Pfiesteria was settled. Its genus name, piscicida, means "fish killer," in honor of the Dr. Lois Pfiester, a pioneer that studied life cycles of freshwater dinoflagellate.

What made Dr. Burkholder "release" Glasgow? (p. 113)
-When JoAnn arrived at the trailer, she saw the aquariums bubbling with dead fish rotting on the floor. Fearing that the dinoflagellate will take Glasgow's life, she recommends Glasgow should take a break from his research.


  1. When Burkholder managed to get her research published in Nature, it marked the end of the 'collaboration' between her and Noga. Noga was furious; he begrudged them their space at his lab, which forced them find another lab.
    I really like the questions that were chosen and answered; it briefly covers the main points of these two chapters.

  2. I felt really bad for Glasgow he only got sick because he was doing research. Imagine Pfiesteria actually becomes a global epidemic. Eck.
