Monday, November 19, 2012

And the Waters Turned to Blood Chapter 14-17 Sketch

Icons in the drawing:
-JoAnn Burkholder holding the test tube with a question mark as her face - unknown answers, lost memories, unanswered questions.
-"Nutrients" in the water (phosphorus and nitrate)-helps the dinoflagellate thrive in such conditions.
-Scientists scheming in the clouds - plan to eliminate JoAnn and to stop her goal
-Face on the clouds - JoAnn's dad and how his life influenced JoAnn to get a Ph.D in science.
-Dinoflagellate - ways it can harm animals and even humans (via inhalation of vapor or being in bodies of water)
-Dead fish - sore on the belly and visible backbone from dino feeding.
-Pig and feces - burst in "lagoons," releasing thousands of pounds of fecal matter into the waters of North Carolina, supplementing the dinoflagellate's growth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that pig makes me realize how fecal matter can contribute to the dinoflagellate's growth. If there was more regulation on dumping then the Dinoflagellates wouldn't have been aided. It's like in the Simpson's movie, homer throwing in Spiderpig's feces into the lake and destroying it could have entirely been prevented.
