Saturday, October 27, 2012

And the Waters Turned to Blood Ch 5-6 Key Terms

1. carcass (p.58) noun: the dead body of an animal

2. causative (p.59) adjective: acting as a cause

3. lanky (p.61) adjective: ungracefully thin and rawboned, bony

4. candor (p.62) noun: the state or quality of being frank, open; freedom from bias

5. menhaden (p.64) noun: any marine clupeid fish of the genus Brevoortia, especially B. tyrannus, resembling a shad but with a more compressed body, common along the eastern coast of the U.S., and used for making
oil and fertilizer

6. concurrent (p.64) adjective: occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side

7. protocol (p.69) noun: the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.

8. limnology (p.71) noun: the scientific study of bodies of fresh water, with reference to their physical, geographical, biological, and other features

9. seething (p.73) verb: to be in a state of agitation or excitement

10. accoutrements (p.78) noun: personal clothing, accessories, etc.

11. cantankerous (p.79) adjective: disagreeable to deal with


  1. Woops, oh well; one more word to learn...

  2. Defining candor, menhaden, limnology, and accoutrements helped me with my understanding of these two chapters.

  3. Thank you for defining menhaden! I had no idea it was fish, I thought it was a plant.
