Friday, October 19, 2012

And the Waters Turned to Blood Chapter 3-4 Sketch

Not to scale
This sketch depicts the dinoflagellate's ability to bring upon silent death to any marine life.

Left dormant, this alga lays on the bottom of a surface, thriving via photosynthesis. Only until a fish is added into the system turns this unfazed cyst to a killing machine. Swimming with its flagella, it releases a powerful neurotoxin, both paralyzing and suffocating the prey. As soon it makes contact to the fish, it instantly dies, leaving the body as a dinner to the parasite. It nibbles its meal with a peduncle, an absorption tube.
The only way to stop fish casualties is not to bring a fish into the equation. If its food were to be removed, it retreats; it sinks to the floor, and recuperates by using energy from the sun like plants. Fish coming into the system only then it returns its destruction.


  1. Yes the dinoflagellate is way too big (it should be microscopic). Nice drawing though; I like the colors and how you explained how the dinoflagellate kills stuff. :D

  2. I also liked the explanation, as well as the fact that you included the details by drawing the fish upside down. However, the poison symbols (if they are poison symbols) look too benign because they're pink.

  3. Heh, because of the camera lighting, the purple turned to pink. It is suppose to reflect how the dinoflagellate release toxin to kill their prey. The slight coloring of green around the "bubbles" symbolizes how this algal bloom can kill thousands of fish in mere seconds.
