Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Acrostic Poem

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds
Reactions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
Glycerol is the head of lipids, fatty acids
Applies to all of Earth's life
Nitrogen is mainly found in nucleic acids of our DNA
In our atmosphere appears these amazing elements
Carbon with atomic number 6 and valence electrons 4

Combine carbon and hydrogen to make the carbon skeleton
Hydrogen with atomic number and valence electron 1
Electrons of elements bond with each other
Macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids
Indestructible atoms make up the elements
Sulfur is a minor but important element in forming the macromolecules
Triglyceride made of three fatty acids and a glycerol
Ribose is the monosaccharide found in RNA
Your life depends on learning about organic chemistry

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